1oo day art challenge w/ @iamjakeroo

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  • #699486
    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    Wow, you keep improving. Awesome to see! Tips on your most recent drawing:

    1. Most forms can be round or boxy. Knees tend to usually be boxier so I would search for those characteristics most of the time. When the knee bends the femurs roll back like a rocking chair and the joint opens up. So what maybe was a box when the knee was straight really becomes more like two boxes when it opens.
    2. If you are going to do a shadow from the figure on the ground (and I recommend you do) take greater care with it. It gives us a lot of context and information about the pose and it’s important for the illusion.
    3. Be conscious of bilateral symmetry. One shoulder appears more massive than the other.
    4. If one pectoralis is reaching backwards then think about how to show that more like a cylinder to get it to foreshorten.

    Keep up the great work!

    No badges. No points.

    day o38
    day o38 .

    – had some delays, but I’m back on the art challenge.. startinggg now!!

    Hey Joshua,

    Thanks for checking back in with me and taking the time to share some of your insights.

    All your tips were great and I’ll definitely take note of them for my studies to come.

    No points.

    That looks killer.  Really nice job.  Maybe I need to take a few days off so I can improve as much as you!

    No badges. No points.

    day o39
    day o39 .

    day o40
    day o40 .

    thanks much Erik,

    i highly recommend it!

    – anatomy study in progress..

    – started using a blending tool, instead of my hands and fingers (liking the results thus far)

    Marjolein P
    No badges. No points.

    What kind of pencil do you use? Nice neck study. ☺️

    No badges. No points.

    day o41
    day o41 .

    appreciate that Marjolein!

    and I’m currently using wolff’s carbon 4b

    – this has to be one of my favorite assignments

    – also, i feel like things are starting to click for me

    No badges. No points.

    Hi iamjakeroo,

    besides your days off the challenge it seems like your big figure drawing that you finished on day 36 made something click for you?

    I mean you made a huge jump in your rendering skills. You were already pretty accurate in your longer careful drawings so add those new shading abilities and now I for myself am not even able to critique you anymore. Only if there would be anatomical errors which I don’t know enough of myself.

    So incredible improvement 👍

    No points.

    Really nice study. You really get the feel of the form of the musculature. Kudos.

    No badges. No points.

    Day o42
    day o42 .

    Day o43
    day o43 .

    i really appreciate that, Erik .  Maybe putting in these long hours have finally started to pay off

    how’s it going, Christopher . Honestly, I was doing all of this foundation work and needed a challenge. Watching Iliya draw is really inspiring, and motivated me to push myself and work at a larger scale, which has been a goal of mine . Thanks for checking in

    – charcoal on paper 18×24 inches

    – i find drawing the back of any figure still very difficult

    No badges. No points.

    day o44
    day o44 .

    – working on some leg studies

    – had some trouble focusing and laying down some of the basic outlines

    – by the way, Picasso: Creator and Destroyer is an interesting read so far ..

    No badges. No points.

    day o45
    day o45 .

    – here’s where I last left off on my study..

    – moving a little slow today, still a lot of work to do

    No badges. No points.

    day o46
    day o46 .

    – the process is a bit slow at the moment

    – working on this and a couple of other things..

    – also, i’ll be off the grid for awhile, but I’ll post as soon as I get back on!

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by iamjakerooiamjakeroo.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by iamjakerooiamjakeroo.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by iamjakerooiamjakeroo.
    No points.

    I just finished this chapter and it was a bear! Nice rendering.

    No badges. No points.

    day o47
    day o47 .

    hey Natasha,

    hah it was and then some..

    i’ve actually skipped around all these chapters, but decided to come back and do the assignments in a much larger scale

    since that’s what my personal work will be mainly focused around

    by the way, thanks

    – i feel that I’m finished with this particular assignment

    – liking the look/idea of leaving the other leg a few steps behind what I consider completion

    No badges. No points.

    day o48
    day o48 .

    – here’s my first animal drawing (it’s of my cat Cheeto)

    – having knowledge of the human anatomy really helped out with this piece

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 79 total)

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