100 Day Challenge: Heads and Faces-planes/structure/proportion

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home Forums Challenges & Activities 100 Day Art Challenge 100 Day Challenge: Heads and Faces-planes/structure/proportion

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    Day 10: One of these heads is from imagination, can you guess which one? Lol. Kinda like em! Was running low on motivation today. Did some cybermen for fun. The one on the bottom is definitely the best.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by theokatzman45.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by theokatzman45.
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    Day 11: nothing too noteworthy here, pretty generic, and that awkward empty space is bothering me.. started late. I’ll probably try and do more figures tomorrow. Or something new and interesting!

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    Day 12: lots I could say, but it’s late. I started too late in the day yet again, starting is always the hardest! Please I wouldn’t try to decipher my ugly notes lol, was just trying to think out loud, didn’t really think it through. And that’s basically the issue at hand in my drawings :). The trying to think part is good, I can clearly see some very wrong things happening, anatomy problems, not strong enough form, etc. I really didn’t want to post these figures because they just aren’t presentable, and clearly show my carelessness. For example all the sloppy searching by laying down pointless lines, bad habit. I keep trying to correct my wrong lines with more close lines which just makes everything an unclear mess! Any help on this and other things I’ve missed would be much appreciated.

    On my form, I’ve continually been feeling that my figures are flat. I have always drawn from pictures, and I’m finally realizing that this is a fault that comes with pictures. I can imagine and understand why drawing from life is so much better. It’s harder to draw from pictures because you have to really think harder and visualize the existing solidity within the picture, or else everything’s flat!

    for the faces, I feel like I’m getting a better handle on things, but I still occasionally find myself focusing in on one area too much thus making things badly disproportionate. Another bad practice I’ve been noticing is I somehow skew the head at times? The one on the right has it, and it’s just wrong. looking in the mirror helps catch it for me. The jaw and chin aren’t following the right perspective I think. Jeez.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by theokatzman45.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by theokatzman45.
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    Day 13: not much today, but I think Ive identified an issue. The jaw on some of my faces can be really wrong! And that’s one of the very most basic important structures to get right! I plan to remedy this asap. I haven’t made the time for many lessons lately so this is top priority to get at.

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    Day 14: started pretty good, did some skulls from Michael hamptons book and started Glenn Vilppus head course which was great. but I got interrupted, and discouragingly I didn’t come back until way too late, where I made these heads, didn’t give them the needed  thought or energy.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by theokatzman45.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by theokatzman45.
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    Day 15: for a change of pace I Started Karl Gnass’s course today, and wow this is fantastic 🙌. Was drawing along but didn’t make it all the way through the 1st lesson. But there are clearly some issues happening with these heads, don’t know what I was thinking… i really need more progress with difficult angles, expressions. Need to be More focused on the volumes, getting too caught up in the small stuff, totally throws the tracking of the face.


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    Day 16: didn’t have tons of time today and I wanted to work on my figures so I just focused on that today. This still counts right?? It’s structure/proportion and I drew a few of the faces… I included some of the gestures as I was following Karl Gnass, some are pretty incomplete but I might as well include them. I don’t think I’m thinking nearly enough about gravity, some are pretty unbalanced. I really need to learn more anatomical structures, that can be quite apparent. That would probably be a great 100 day challenge for me! I definitely need more structure, more Solid knowledge to carry these further…

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    Day 17: wasn’t too productive, was distracted today. But this was a fun time. Oh well, I’ll get to work this week! I need to sleep.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by theokatzman45.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by theokatzman45.
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    Hi Mattias,

    As for me, I really like looking at your gestures. I think they look really dynamic and expressive.

    Critique wise I don’t really know what you could work on but to suggest something, maybe you could try to switch things up a little. Maybe try to only draw structural heads without features and/or features on their own.

    Focusing only on a part of a subject can lead to different problems and different thinking which often can clarify things. 👋

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    Hey Christopher, thanks for your thoughts and suggestions! It’s very helpful and I appreciate it! 🙏 I really love learning about gesture, it is at first deceptively simple but really It is one of the most important studies I believe if not the most important in the beginning and the end! I have barely scratched the surface, eager to keep learning, but of course I think I need to really focus in more on capturing the structure and 3d volumes.

    I’ll certainly see if I can try out some of your suggestions, sometimes I think I get in a mode trying to draw all the features and head at once and kind of make a sloppy job of it, more focused attention is needed. I certainly want to and need to switch it up with something different, maybe even animals even though they probably won’t be too good haha. I need to do what I’m not used to, out of the comfort zone, I don’t want to get trapped only drawing two things the same ways! Much thanks I guess we’ll see what happens.

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    Day 17: had a tough time getting motivated, im quite dissatisfied with this page, not much purpose to it. I need to change things up, I feel I’m in the beginnings of a rut. I watched Glenn’s lesson on the nose so I was trying to focus on that a bit more with these. But I drew too small…

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by theokatzman45.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by theokatzman45.
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    Day 18: pretty rough start on this first page. Again, started late and didn’t do anything too different! Time management! Things always go better later if I just start with something earlier in the day. The 2nd page are some JC Leyendecker’s, so at least that was a bit new. I need to get better at actually studying artists though. I will have to do something a bit different tomorrow hopefully.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by theokatzman45.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by theokatzman45.
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    Day 19: not many faces, ran low on time today and I wanted to do something a bit different. These figures in pen are real sloppy, oh well, I suppose the others are too! The rest are from will weston’s drawings on Pinterest. I don’t know anything about his classes, but I love the chalkboard drawings, such lively gesture and structure working so harmoniously together in a very simple way. My renditions certainly don’t do them justice, but i think Im learning along the way.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by theokatzman45.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by theokatzman45.
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    Day 20: eh, not the best. I tried some studies from Michael hamptons book, and don’t like these figures very much, I think I broke that leg haha. And that one is just off in a lot of places.

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    Day 21: did lots of sketching, trying to push myself in drawing from imagination, need to do that more. Trying to do different things. much of which I do not care to share.. this first page is definitely not great, rough, unfinished. They aren’t from imagination, some from jc leyendecker. I think i really need to try more and bring my sketches to a more worked state. I think I just give up to soon, no good. These skull attempts are from the new refs! Tried to draw them bigger than what’s comfortable. Anyway.

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