100 Day Challenge: Heads and Faces-planes/structure/proportion

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home Forums Challenges & Activities 100 Day Art Challenge 100 Day Challenge: Heads and Faces-planes/structure/proportion

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  • #977333
    E K BrautigamE K Brautigam
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    You’ve taken so well to anatomy. Your gestures are impressive, at least for certain to me. I’m not coming along quite so well, but still plugging away. Keep going for it!

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    Thanks so much EK! 🙏👌 just been picking up a few useful parts at a time, kind of along the way, but also Steve Houston’s new course is awesome!! your words are encouraging, I think we can all be inspired seeing everybody’s progress on here, so many! I know I certainly have!

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    Day 81:

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    Day 83: not my best, sloppy, vague, inaccurate. Should have just went to sleep instead of the brush pen drawings, too late, too rushed, looks flat. But I did spend some good time on Steve’s course, fantastic stuff, but drawings from that aren’t great so not here.

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    Day 84: went to the Vilppu steam this morning and it was awesome! I actually got a critique from Glenn himself and it was incredibly helpful in what is making my figures flat, not carrying the volume all the way through the forms, drawing flat contour lines! I have an extensive note, can’t get into it now though. But the rest of the day I never got past the gesture/mannequins, I had every intention to draw later tonight but it never happened. Disappointing, all I’ve done lately is just the same quick gesture stuff. Not focused. Having a hard time finding focus. Wasted a bunch of time, no good. Tomorrow will be better.

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    Day 85: no time to write about it now, but I was inspired by this amazing artist YouTube theKirkshop, and really tried the overhand grip more. Frustrating, difficult, but hopefully for the better. Had a bit of an awakening/crisis of confidence, it feels like I have to rebuild, but all for progress.

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    most of these and above are pretty rough, quick. Just trying to figure it out I guess.

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    Day 86: not really feeling it today, tired. But not bad I suppose…

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    Day 87: slow going, a tiny bit of Steve’s course at the end, hopefully it’ll be more interesting tomorrow.

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    Hi Mattias,

    at this point, I assume, your basic procedure pretty much is ingrained in your brain so that it has become somewhat automatic? I mean this in a good way since it doesn’t matter which pose I look at I immediately know you drew it.

    Another thing I’m wondering about, since I exposed myself to some basic proportions recently, is if your somewhat more than average tall poses are that way on purpose or if you aren’t conscious of that. I like how they look and I remember Steve mentioned that I think Watteau and Pontormo also kind of stretched their figures.

    So to summarize: You got a basic process to follow down aswell as, if on purpose, a direction of style. So I personally would suggest that you start doing something differently or adding a new component. I can’t really say what but I think that you developed what you got now far enough to advance in some way. Maybe try to really dive into Anatomy or, if you plan a second challenge, choose a new topic like portraits only.

    Anyway I’m really enjoying following your learning and reading your thoughts aswell as sharing our thoughts. It might not be visible in my practice but your break throughs/realizations aswell as your thoughts here and in my thread have influenced my process aswell as my thinking more than once 👍👋

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Christopher.
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    hey Christopher, thanks man your comments like this one are super helpful for me too!! hopefully what I said has something interesting to it, mostly just talking to myself lol.

    But im coming to see what you brought out here is definitely something im struggling with, the style thing. the pen sketches were just like my warm up, but then it turned into the whole day! so clearly yeah I was just trying to look of course but I was just on automatic lol. its just so hard to think!! some of these figures are really brokenly stretched, no kidding. the stomach area gets real bad, that turns the figure into an accordion!! im afraid that I’ve done things the same way too many times and now im going backwards. I definitely need to pay attention with the proportion, Glenn Vilppu HIMSELF said the same thing!! this ‘style’ is in the way of my progressing. I don’t know why I just keeping doing the same thing!! make it stop!! whyyy! have I brainwashed myself with accordion proportions?? this practice is getting in the way of progressing!!!!!

    man its just so difficult to do new things. Ive said it and I KNOW im kind of stalled out, I just don’t know how to get out of it. but hopefully this has given me the direction needed. I have to do something. much thanks Christopher 🙏

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by theokatzman45.
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    yeah if you compare this page with page 11 you can really see my brain is in a fog…


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    Day 88: Heinrich Kley!! Wow now that’s what I call a master. 💯🙌 the new Proko video was amazing. Every image looks so utterly animated!! And the planes, form, delicate hatching. The spontaneity and mastery. I at least had fun with these attempts, and loving the works. I’m not too proud of these top faces though. 😬

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    Day 89:

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    day 90!!! so. I got a Cintiq!?! yeah, its pretty sick, 22 inch. its been a bit overwhelming all at first, I haven’t really done any digital before except for a few scribbles in procreate, but this is a bit more next level. figured it’d be a good idea to start getting mileage!!im using clip studio, seems a bit more user friendly. I spent a whole lotta time getting set up, but eventually I got to drawing and starting to get a feel for it. its unbelievable how much easier it is to put in some quick tone!!! so I gave it a shot, crit would be appreciated as always.

    I have much to learn on digital, its a bit daunting, but after trying it out its so great. I will still draw on paper though! must still do that. it feels so different.


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