Digital Concept Paintings – Critique Would Be Appreciated

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  • #451852
    No points.

    Hello Joshua,

    I am working on my portfolio to submit to the entertainment industry. I would highly appreciate a critique of my artwork along with recommendations on what I should work more on in order to break into the industry as a concept artist.


    Mengu Gungor
    No badges. No points.

    Hey Roman, it looks like you’re on a good path, you’re putting in a lot of work. First thing I noticed is that elements you introduce into the scene don’t seem integrated as well as could be. I find this is one of the harder things to do from imagination, and I think can best be improved by doing more studies of real life. I’d suggest doing more still life paintings, plein air paintings (landscapes, city scapes, interiors), and so on, to get a better sense of how items interact with each other and with the environment. This is the same advice I’ve gotten, for a similar set of problems, and am still working on…

    I did a paint over of the first image you have there. I really like the atmosphere of this one, and I think you did a good job with the characters. I’ll talk through some of the changes I would suggest, and why.

    The character on the right was a bit too close to the edge of the composition, I felt he was important enough to move all the way inside the frame. I also shrunk him a bit and increased the size of what I felt was the main/more important character closer to us. The rock on the left was running parallel to the horse’s tail, so I removed it. Instead, to close off the composition a bit, I placed a large rock formation on the left, to keep the viewer engaged inside the frame. I moved the moon to form a sort of triangle between the heads and the moon. I added a few more layers of rock formations to create more depth.

    Then on the characters, I added more shadows, as would be appropriate in a day lit scenario like this. I kept those shadows lighter for the character further away, to fit the atmosphere. As a matter of fact, I felt his dark shirt was too dark for the distance he’s standing at, so I lightened its overall value. I also added some warmer and more saturated highlights to the closer character to bring him forward more.

    And overall I played with level adjustments a bit, to get the colors to work a little better, and more unified.

    If I was going to work on this more, I would continue to improve the composition, and solve problems. Two characters in this composition still don’t feel quite right, I think it needs another element of interest, maybe another rider, or maybe just another horse that’s carrying a different load. The horizon level I think is a little above the knee, around mid-thigh, so I think I’d want to make some changes to communicate that better. And I might play with the design of the mountains in the back a bit more, find some references and make them a bit more characteristic of a real location, instead of generic rock formations.

    I hope you find this helpful. I think if you do more studies from life, paying particularly close attention to values, you will find your concept art will naturally improve as well. Keep on sketching!

    No points.

    Hello Mengu,

    Thank you so much for your critique and advise. I will definitely take them into consideration and work on them.



    No points.

    Dear Instructor Charles Hu,

    Thank you for your critique. However, I was not able to find the video of the horsemen concept painting critique. The video critique is of someone else work on the figure drawings in my link.




    Joshua JacoboJoshua Jacobo
    No badges. No points.

    Roman, we are getting your critique video ready.

    Charles HuCharles Hu
    No badges. No points.

    Hi Roman, Thank you for your patients, you should able to view you critique now.

    No points.

    Dear Charles Hu,

    Thank you so much for your wonderful suggestions/advices on my horsemen piece. I will take all of your constructive thoughts/ideas and interpretations in development of my future artworks. I hope one day I can get more critiques from you on some of my other work.

    Stay safe! I wish you all the best!




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