Analyzing the Aesthetics of Figure Drawing

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  • #2864863
    New Masters AcademyNew Masters Academy
    No badges. No points.

    In this lesson, instructor Karl Gnass will teach you the power of aesthetics. You will learn that taste has developed throughout history. Karl will lecture on how aesthetic principles of drawing have changed over time. Then, he will critically analyze the aesthetics of master artworks.

    This lesson belongs to the course The Spirit of the Pose. In this 10-week course, Karl Gnass will teach you how to draw the human figure directly and compellingly. You will discover his fundamental principles of figure drawing, including gesture, formulation, and anatomy, and then build upon those foundations to learn about light, tone, and aesthetics. The emphasis will be on seeing beyond the details and focusing on the “spirit of the pose.” By the end of the course, you will have gained the knowledge and skills to analyze and confidently create representations of the figure. These traditional techniques can also be applied to digital media.

    Throughout this course, you’ll have access to the NMA community for feedback and critiques to improve your work as you progress.

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