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Ramona HornungRamona Hornung
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Hi Shaun Othen,

this is a gorgeously  expressive drawing! Love the textures of the charcoal and the restrained use of line which balances the atmosphere created by the airy texture.

Xelael made some good points, there are a few loose ends as to what the structure of the figure is concerned. I feel, when one works loosely like this, its best to conceive of the figure in simple constructive forms: boxes, cylinders, to make sure the forms hold together and flow into one another.

I took the liberty of diagraming a bit on top of your drawing, hope you find it useful. Keep in mind, I intend well, but am little qualified to give advice really, so take it with a grain of salt.

I think, mainly the trapezius, neck, and head area are a bit unclear. the left shoulder is set too low this makes the neck feel too long. Also it feels as if the dark mass for the hair does not allow enough space for the cranium. I‘d  make it more clear as to where the torso inserts in the hips,  by drawing the overlapping line.

I hope this is of any help.Thank you for sharing this. I wish you well!